Saturday, November 24, 2012

Elder Reed and Zone Leaders (I believe) out and about in S.A. at what looks to be a mall ... all ready for Christmas in S.A. too!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Email Update 11-12-12 "This week we have 2 people on date to be baptised. And 4 more that are showing a lot of potential. Selcourt area has had like 1-2 baptisms the past 2 years. And now all of a sudden we are having very good statistics. We are working hard and Heavenly Father is blessing us. The Zone Leaders are even trying to get our Mission President to give us a car because they think we've earned it. Haha! But basically I don't feel at all like I am doing something that no one else could. The Members are really key - and Members can do so much more than any "full time missionary"." Elder Reed really appreciates any letters and letters that are sent!!! Thanks and Hello to all of you from him!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Last week Elder Reed posted that Elder Holland visited and shook each of the Elder's hands. He stated that through that hand shake he was personally interviewing each one. Elder Holland has sent home 25 missionaries from different missions just through a hand shake! But he said their group was a fine bunch of missionaries! Elder Reed really respects Elder Holland and his bold speech and loved his visit! Hopefully tomorrow morning he'll have a photo to share. Says he doesn't take his camera out much due to roberies.