Monday, April 8, 2013

.........Elder G sent many photos today - he doesn't get much chance to do this. We are not supposed to show names and people really on the internet so these will have to do! Elder G had a chance to get out on a little safari trip to see some local animals finally! Wished he could've seen more tho! He's had lots of hard experiences to deal with recently - it's a hard country to experience (living conditions, peoples lifestyle, etc). Sure is making the US look really appealing!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Elder Garrett Reed is working hard in his new area. He and his companion are driven many miles away from their apartment, and dropped off (out in the too-lees - sp??!) with their bikes and they work their way back home each day on bikes. He is experiencing the true poverty conditions of South Africa. He has recently been helping to clean homes (rat extermination and removal included - including piles of poo!) and move people and belongings. He is growing in his knowledge and abilities and confidence! He is now moving into Fall and hopefully a little cooler weather will be coming! He loves his Pres. and is amazed at what a wonderful man/leader/friend he is. He'd love to be able to go to the New Botswana mission created and begins in July, but leaving his Pres. will make that hard for him - the Lord will know where he needs to be! He says hello and thank you for everyone's letters/dearelders/love and support!!!